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Sirius is considerably hotter than Antares.

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Q: Which is hotter Sirius or Antares?
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Rigel aldebaran Sirius Antares KY cygni betelgeuse pollux arrange in ascending order?

In terms of size from smallest to largest, its Sirius, Pollux, Aldebaran, Rigel, Betelgeuse, Antares, and KY Cygni.

Is antares hotter than the sun?

yes it is hotter than the sun closest to us [earth]

Can you live on Sirius?

No sirius is a star much hotter than the sun.

Is Sirius A a cold star?

No. There is no such thing a a cold star. Sirius consists of two stars, both of which are hotter than the average star.

Is Sirius brighter than the sun?

Yes it is much bigger.Probably 5 suns can fit in sirius.Not only is sirius bigger but it is much hotter as well.

Are stars hoter than the sun?

Some stars are hotter then the Sun such as Sirius and Rigel.

What are 8 conspicuous stars with magnitude of one or higher?

Aldeberan, Vega, Rigel, Betelgeuse, Altair, Arcturus, Sirius, Procyon, Capella, Spica, Antares, Deneb, Regulus, and the Sun are.

What are other names of stars like the sun?

There are thousands of stars that you could list. Here are just 10: Sirius. Capella. Betelgeuse. Antares. Altair. Vega. Mirzam. Regulus. Aldebaran. Arcturus.

What is the birth name of Antares Davis?

Antares Davis's birth name is Antares June Davis.

Which is the brighter star Antares or Betelgeuse?

Out of that list, Alpha Centauri is the nearest star to Earth. But there is one closer: Proxima Centauri is a tiny, dim red dwarf star; "near" Alpha Centauri only by astronomical standards, it is still 3 light MONTHS away. But that's still 3 light months closer to the Sun.

What constellation does Antares belong to?

Antares is in the constellation Scorpio.

What is special about Antares?

antares is one of the biggest star known.