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Five-Year Plans in the Soviet Union

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Q: Which is the best example of an element of a command economy?
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What is the best example of a mixed economy?

the best example of a MIXED ECONOMY is the market economy and a command economy

What is the economy of North Korea would best be classified as...?

A command economy.

What type of economy best fits this description The basic economic questions are answered by a group of government planners.?

Command Economy. An example would be North Korea.

What best describes why ancient Egypt could be described as a command economy?


What is an example of market economy that you use?

Now a days China is the big and best example of market economy that we are used.

Is Israel a market economey?

Israel does not have the best economy and it does need a little work... but what economy doesn't

Is China part of the command economy?

AnswerChina is no longer a command economy in that it has switched to market economic strategies in several of its sectors. Due to this, China is now a mixed economy.However, Saudi Arabia and Vietnam are some examples of a command economy. has also changed back in 2000

Which nation's economy could best be described as a command economy where the government determines guidelines for economic development and sets goals for economic production?

A planned economy is also known as a command economy, and it is designed by a central governmental authority. It is a type of socialist economy, and it currently exists in North Korea, Laos, and Cuba.

What is the best example of command economy?

North Korea, Iran and Cuba

Which statement best describe an aspect of a command economy?

Everyone according to his abilites, to everyone according to his work.

What best describes a command economy?

A command economy is one where a central authority controls all economic activity, 'commanding' what products are produced, and what crops are grown, investment and prices etc.

Which South Asian country is the BEST example of a mixed economy?
