

Best Answer

Maybe the tiger.


isn't the cheetah?

its the fastest animal in the earth
The fastest animal in Asia is the peregrine falcon. It is also the fastest animal on Earth and live all over the world.

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12y ago

On land - the cheetah (over very short distances) can go about 100 km/hr (60 mph). In the air - A Peregrine falcon can dive (stoop) at 398 km/hr (242 mph) In water - A Sailfish can go at rates of 110 km/hr (68 mph) For comparison - The fastest insect is tee Dragonfly clocked at 100 km/hr (60 mph)

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13y ago

The largest land animal found in Asia is the Asiatic elephant. They grow up to 11 feet tall and can weigh up to 5 tons. The second largest animals in Asia are the several species of Asian rhinos.

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11y ago

land animal-cheetah

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Q: Which is the most fast animal in world?
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the answer is the cheetah. A cheetah can run as fast as 120km/h!