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The molecule that binds to myosin, which causes it to disconnect, is an ATP molecule

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Q: What molecule must bind to to the cross bridge in order for it to disconnect with actin?
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When the cross-bridge of the myosin molecule form linkage with actin filaments the result s what?

shortening of the muscle fiber

What blocks the myosin binding sites on the actin molecule preventing cross bridge formation?

The tropomyosin molecule blocks the active sites of the actin. Troponin is a molecule that is bound to the tropomyosin. Troponin needs CA+ (calcium ions) to bind to it in order to rotate the tropomyosin molecule and expose the actin molecules for the myosin heads to interact for muscle contraction.

What is the actin status to begin cross bridge formation?

The actin binding sites are exposed

When myosin is attached to actin this is called a?

Cross bridge

What specifically is cross bridge?

myosin binding to actin

What the cross-bridge cycling requires?

What cross-bridge cycling requires is ATP, actin, inorganic phosphate, myosin, and ADP.

What is a temporary connection between actin and myosin heads?

Cross bridge

What role does tropomyosin play in cross bridge cycle?

The displacement of tropomyosin exposes the active sites of actin allowing cross bridge to form.

What occurs when actin and myosin filaments slide over each other?

The power stroke of the cross bridge which binds ATP disconnecting it from the actin.

What is the energy that powers the cross bridge on myosin to pull the actin?

the pholsphorilation of ATP to ADP and an inorganic P

What happens to ATP when it binds to Myosin?

Energisation of the head takes place, then cross bridge linkage follows

How does troponin facilitate cross bridge formation?

Troponin controls the position of tropomyosin on the thin filament, enabling myosin heads to bind to the active sites on actin.