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The Apology

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Q: Which of Plato's works describes the trial of Socrate and Socrates' defense against charges that he was corrupting the youth of Athens?
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What was the accusation against Socrates?

In 399 B.C.,the authorities of Athens accused Socrates of impiety and corrupting the youth. An other way to say what the charges were are: Heresy and corrupting the minds of the young.

Why did Socrates kill himself?

Socrates was sentenced to death by the Athens court for the charge of "corrupting" people with his thoughts which were interpreted as against God.

How did socrates defend himself against the charge of corrupting the youth and the charge of atheism?

Essentially, he outsmarted his persecutor who accused him of being an atheist and, later, accused him of believing in foreign gods - Socrates pointed out that this was a contradiction.

What were the charges brought against Socrates?

Socrates (Gr Σωκράτης) was accused of corrupting youths by promoting ideas of a One God, different than the 12 Gods worshiped at the time. However this was only the surface. The real reasons where that Socrates was that annoying fly that bothers you all the time and does not let you sleep. He liked calling himself "an annoying fly" and that was what he really was: with his continuous criticism of Athenian policy makers, he was destined to be exiled or killed someday... Socrates was always a philosopher focused on humans and on finding your inner self. "Know thy self" (γνώθι σε εαυτόν) is sometimes too much for people to handle...

Was Socrates for or against rationalism?

Socrates was thought to be a strong proponent of rationalism.

Why was Socrates highly controversial figure?

Socrates (469-399 B.C.), an Athenian philosopher known for his early reflections on ethics and his development of the Socratic method, caused controversy in 4th-century Athens for several reasons. First, as a self-styled "gadfly," Socrates pressed the Athenians in the streets and the marketplace about their basic convictions and assumptions, and questioned much of traditional wisdom, showing that much of popular opinion had no ground or warrant in right reason. Many Athenians were upset by Socrates' close probing and his denial of traditional beliefs especially with respect to the Greek gods. Secondly, Socrates' association early in life with some opponents of Athenian democracy raised controversy and opposition. Thirdly, because he found a large following among the youth, many Athenians thought Socrates was corrupting the next generation of society. On account of these points of controversy, Socrates was charged with impiety (asebia) and corrupting the youth. An Athenian jury convicted him, and he was compelled to drink the hemlock. Socrates' defence of himself against the charges (or rather Plato's construction of it) can be found in the well-known Apology.

Who brought charges against socrates?


Socrates examines his ideas against Crito's ideas. What is this method called?

Socrates examines his ideas against Crito's ideas by a method called dialectic.

Socrates examines his ideas against Crito's ideas What is this method called?

Socrates examines his ideas against Crito's ideas by a method called dialectic.

What are the charges laid against Socrates (according to Socrates) that have caused him to be arrested?

He reminds those who have accused him that he is virtuous.

What are the charges laid against Socrates according to Socrates that have caused him to be arrested?

He reminds those who have accused him that he is virtuous.

Who was the prosecutor of Socrates?

Everyone because they thought Socrates was teaching young people to rebel against their city state