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right lower quadrant

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Q: Which quadrant of the abdominal area will usually be painful if a person has an inflamed appendix?
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Where would pain appear if the appendix was receiving painful stimuli?

Pain in the appendix is felt around the umbilicus (belly button). If the appendix is inflamed (as it is when infected a.k.a. appendicitis) it begins to irritate the abdominal lining around it and the pain will move into the lower right part of the abdomen.

What does it mean if your appendix is hurting?

It's possibly inflamed. If you're sure it IS your appendix (and not just a 'general tummy-ache' - you should seek medical advice ASAP. An appendix that bursts, releases toxins into the patient's body - which CAN (in extreme circumstances) prove fatal.

Can painful pee be linked to your appendix?

that is a yes and no. Painful pee can be a bladder infection. Or something with the appendix

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what causes this to enlarge in the liver

What is painful inflamed intestines caused by bacterial infection?


Are permanent muscle contractures painful?

yes muscle contractures are painful.. joints get larger and seem to be inflamed sometimes.

What is Painful inflamed intestines often caused by bacterial infection?


What danger exists when an abdominal aneurysm is very painful?

A painful abdominal aortic aneurysm usually means that the aneurysm could burst very soon.

What is gangrenous appendix?

It is very painful. Basically it is gangrene that has formed on the appendix. This means the appendix is rotten.

Where would referred pain appear if receiving painful stimuli in appendix?

A:Referred pain from the appendix would usually present as diffuse pain or discomfort around the belly button, or sharp pain in the right lower quadrant. Sometimes though, depending on how the patients' innards developed when they were an embryo, it could actually be felt in the right shoulder as well. Refer to dermatomes and nerve distribution.

What condition is painful inflamed intentines caused by bacteria infection?

This condition is called gastroenteritis.

Why do people get their appendix taken out?

If the appendix gets blocked by a bit of faecal matter (poo) then it can get inflammed and infected. It can then really easily burst into your abdominal cavity and get infected. That infection can then get into your blood, causing it to become infected. You can potentially die from it.