

Which region of Venezuela is used for grazing cattle?

Updated: 5/4/2022
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8y ago

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The llanos.

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Cassandra McKenzie

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Q: Which region of Venezuela is used for grazing cattle?
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What land is used for grazing cattle and livestock known as?

Cattle and livestock graze on a ranch.

What are the land used for after deforestation?

For grazing cattle and for agricultural purposes

How can 'commensal' be used in a sentence?

Cattle egrets are commensal animals. They consume the insects that cattle and livestock disturb while they are grazing in pastures.

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The answer is when the treain of Venezuela is the terraun of Venezuela. FIND IT YOURSELF!!

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South America

What are the two main purposes for which the plains and grassland of the region are used?

For farming and livestock grazing.

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India used most of it's land for the grazing and caring of cattle

Does McDonald's use rainforest for grazing land?

No. McDonald's does not own any grazing land to graze their cattle in--as a matter of fact, this multi-million dollar franchise doesn't own any cattle at all. The reality about rainforests being used for grazing is that they are not used for grazing at all. Rainforests are primarily destroyed for the production of crops and for exotic wood products, not grazing land for livestock. Livestock come in and graze after the crops have essentialled "mined" the nutrients from the soil, eating the sparse grasses that have been sown or grew after the farmers have left. There are exceptions, but this is the most common practice that occurs.

What are the main two main purposes for which the plains and grasslands of the region are used?

For farming and livestock grazing.

How did the American settlers in the Midwest claim their land?

the settlers who came to the Midwestern U.S. used the land for cattle grazing and for farming

What is the common name for the mustang horse?

Wild horse and/or broomtail.Broomtail is a slang word for mustang used by cowboys who don't like the mustangs grazing on their cattle's land.

How did the land used for cattle ranching change between 1850 and 1990?

It went from being wild native prairie to rangeland that was extremely overgrazed. Then the government stepped in and initiated some research into proper grazing practices on rangeland and improving rangeland health, and the land slowly came back from being overgrazed to being healthy again. Also, a lot of tracts of land that were used for grazing cattle were turned over to be used for crops. But there is still a lot of land available to ranch cattle on, land that is not suitable to grow crops on.