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The longest stage of stellar evolution is the main sequence phase.

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Q: Which stage in stellar evolution is the longest?
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What is the first stage of stellar evolution?

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Which burning stage in stellar evolution is most durable?

Helium burning is most durable stage in stellar evolution.

What current stage of stellar evolution is altair?

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I know of no star by that name.

What stage of stellar evolution is the sun experiencing at this time?

Our Sun is currently on the Main Sequence stage of it's evolution.

What are the steps of stellar evolution in order?

You can find an overview of stelar evolution in the Wikipedia article entitled "Stellar evolution".

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Stellar evolution is the term for the changes a star undergoes during its lifetime.

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Nuclear fusion affects stellar evolution by essentially halting all mitosis and miosis that any cells in a stellar evolution could experience, and they stunt the growth of the object.

What is the main sequence stage?

The main sequence stage is a point in the stellar evolution of stars in the universe at which every star converts hydrogen into helium in its cores and releases huge amounts of energy.

What stage of stellar evolution occurs for large stars but not for medium or small stars?

Type II supernova. Formation of a neutron star or black hole.

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There is no known role of magnetism in stellar evolution.

At the beginning of the universe scientists believe that stellar evolution contained only what two elements?

Scientist believe that stellar evolution contained only hydrogen and then helium.