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There are trillions of them. You need to be more specific.

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11y ago

This applies in general to red giants, and red supergiants. There are several of those.

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10y ago

Aldebaran, which is a red giant star.

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13y ago

Red giant and some supergiants.

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13y ago

That might be a white dwarf.

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Q: Which star has a higher luminosity and a lower surface temperature than the sun Rigel Bernard's star Alpha Centauri or Aldebaran?
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What two stars have the most similar luminosity?

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Proxima Centauri has a temperature of about 3,042K

What is the scientific notation of Proxima Centauri?

Proxima Centauri is a star and there is no scientific notation for a star. There will be scientific notations for the values of its distance, its size, its age, luminosity, magnitude and so on but the question is not about any of them!

What is the temperature of alpha centauri star?


What is the approximate temperature of Alpha Centauri?

Alpha Centauri has a temperature ranging from 5,000-6,000K.

Why might a Proxima Centauri look dimmer than a Betelgeuse?

Proxima Centauri has an insignificant luminosity to Betelgeuse. Although it is the closest known star(4.2 light-years) to our Sun, it is virtually impossible to see because it is so dim. Betelgeuse, on the other hand, is a lot farther (640 light-years). Yet, it is one of the brightest stars in our night sky. This is because Betelgeuse has an extremely high luminosity.

Is Proxima Centauri a flickering low intesity star?

Proximus Centauri has a very low average luminosity. It is also a flare star that undergoes random increases in brightness because of magnetic activity which gives the impression of flickering. Because of it's low energy production, Proximus Centauri is expected to be around for another four trillion years.

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How hot is Alpha Centauri?

Alpha Centauri (Rigil Kentaurus, Rigil Kent or Toliman) is the brightest star in the southern constellation of Centaurus.It has a temperature of about 5,790 Kelvin.

Why does Alpha Centauri appear to be yellow-white?

Alpha Centauri A (Rigil Kentaurus) is a type G2V star - which is the same as our Sun so it has a colour of yellow.Alpha Centauri is abinary star system.Alpha Centauri A - the primary star, is a G2V star so has the apparent colour of yellowish-white, the same as our Sun.Alpha Centauri B - the secondary star, is a K1V star so has the apparent colour of yellow-orange.