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After ignoring all studies about how people from Germany react under pressure, Davida decided to accept her friends' and family's perspectives on societal differences.

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Q: Which statement is indicative of someone who accepts consensus as representing the truth?
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What is counter culture in sociology?

It means whatever is considered outside the norm of society. For instance, the illegal drug activity in the world is a counterculture. This is always changing because society accepts certain things after a while, so then that which is accepted becomes part of the norm.

What is the age of most people in a drug treatment center?

The average age in a drug treatment center will vary according to the treatment program available to a particular drug rehabilitation center. Some alcohol and rehab centers only accepts teens to a particular treatment program. There are also rehab centers that has an average of 18 years and below.

How is culture dynamic?

Dynamic refers to the variability of culture. Culture is formed by people who have different values, beliefs, and religions. We mix them together in order to live peacefully. With the inclusion of more people in the society, a new era of developments, and the forces of evolution, culture changes its shape. The culture is the product which varies with its producer. As humans are dynamic and the only living beings in the world who like change, the culture has to change with us.

Why folklore is important in explaining social history of mankind?

Folklore is a the texture of a given people in a given place. It is the seed that germinated national identity and tribal bonding. Even those who react against the folk gestalt are still affected by it in a fundamental way. Deny everything you were raised with, and you still carry it with you, generally more than those who accept it. The one who accepts can build on it, or move beyond it or even disprove it without . Yet the rebel can only do the opposite of what he objects to. One ignores childhood stories at one's peril. Without understanding the power of myth, one fails to understand human nature. Social history has no context without knowledge of human nature.

What is the definition cultural diversity?

Cultural diversity is the quality of different cultures. Cultural diversity includes language, race, customs, food, dress, religion, beliefs, values, ethnicity, gender, political views and knowledge. Culture diversity also includes the various elements of Australian Indegnious culture.