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Q: Which two of these imaginary poems are least likely to be thoughts of as representatives of the modernist approach?
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Which of the these lines from imaginary poems is representative of the modernist approach?

"The fragmented cityscape mirrors my mind's chaos, a discordant symphony of jumbled thoughts and broken dreams." This line reflects the modernist approach of capturing the fragmented and disjointed nature of modern life, as well as exploring themes of alienation and disconnection in contemporary society.

What elements are part of a modernist novel?

Closeness to characters' thoughts

Which element belongs in the modernist novel?

Closeness to character thoughts

Which is an element of internal monologue is modernist writing?

Unstructured thoughts.

Which is an element of internal monologue in Modernist writing?

Unstructured thoughts.

Modernist principle that reality is subjective?

The modernist principle that reality is subjective means that people create their own realities. Each person's reality is based upon that person's thoughts, experiences, memories, and perceptions.

Why did Modernist literature focuses on the thoughts and feelings of the writers?

Modernist literature focused on the thoughts and feelings of writers as a response to the changing world, specifically the impact of industrialization, urbanization, and World War I. Writers sought to capture the complexities of human experiences and emotions in a rapidly shifting society. This introspective approach helped convey the alienation and disillusionment felt by many during this period.

Modernist literature focuses on the thoughts and feelings of the writer because?

Because the writers know best the content of their writing.

What is an element of internal monologue in modernist writing?

An element of internal monologue in modernist writing is the use of stream of consciousness technique, where the narrator's thoughts and feelings are presented in a continuous flow without a traditional structure. This technique provides insight into the character's mind and allows readers to experience the immediacy of their thoughts.

What are some thoughts that a human conveys through his arts?

Fantasies, imaginary surreal and "perfect" worlds, sexuality

How did studies on the subconscious influence the literary movement of modernism?

Modernist writers tried to show the subconscious thoughts of their characters -Apex

How does granny jilting reflect a modernist ideal?

Granny Weatherall's jilting reflects a modernist ideal through its fragmented narrative structure, which mirrors the disjointed nature of her memories and thoughts. The use of interior monologue also emphasizes Granny's internal struggles and emotions, which are key themes in modernist literature. Additionally, the ambiguity surrounding the conclusion of the story leaves the reader with unresolved questions, typical of modernist texts that challenge traditional narrative conventions.