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James Madison was the leader of the Constitutional Convention and a major writer of the Constitution.

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Q: Which was first federalist paper written by James Madison?
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Who were leading federalists?

Federalist believed in a strong central government. They also believed in loose constructionalism, which means following the constitution based on its implications as well as its wording. Federalist and anti-federalist were essentially the first political groups in the United STates. An example of a federalist is James Madison while Thomas Jefferson was an anti-federalist.

How did the bill of rights emerge from federalist and anti federalist debates?

They were introduced by James Madison to the First United States Congress in 1789 as a series of constitutional amendments. He felt that the Constitution did not adequately protect the individual rights of citizens. James Madison did write over a third of the Federalist Papers so I guess the answer to your question is yes.

What is the US Constitution and the Bill Of Rights?

The constitution set up our government, it was written by James Madison. The Bill of Right was the first ten amendment to to U.S. Constitution, written by James Madison.

What was the first town named for James Madison?

Madison, Georgia was named the first town named after James madison in 1809.

Who wrote the Us first constitution?

James Madison

Who guided the first congress to create the first ten amendment to the constitution?

James Madison

Who was James Madison first wife?

Dolley Madison

Is Ambrose Madison James Madison's brother or sister?

Ambrose Madison was a brother of James Madison.

When did First inauguration of James Madison happen?

First inauguration of James Madison happened on 1809-03-04.

What was James Madison's first name?

James Masidon's first name is JAMES

What animals did James Madison have?

James Madison was one of the first presidents not to own a dog or pet.

How was James Madison involved in writing the Bill of Rights for the US Constitution?

James Madison was key figure at the Constitutional Convention. He was a strong Federalist and was in favor of a strong central government. In order to calm down the anti-Federalists, Madison took on the assignment of creating the Bill of Rights that were the first ten amendments to the proposed US Constitution.