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The Greek gods and goddesses are the rulers of the world, throned up on Mount. Olympus. The Twelve Olympians: Zeus: God of the sky and god of the gods Poseidon: God of the sea, creator of horses Hades: God of the Underworld Hera: Goddess of marriage and queen of the gods Demeter: Goddess of the harvest Athena: Goddess of wisdom, warfare, and Athens, Zeus's favorite child Artemis: Goddess of the moon and the hunt, twin sister of Apollo Apollo: God of the sun, light, music, plague, poetry, ext. twin brother of Artemis Dionysus: God of wine Ares: God of War and violence Aphrodite: Goddess of love and beauty Hephaestus: God of fire, blacksmith of the gods Hestia: Goddess of the harth, gave up her throne on Olympus for Dionysus, making the Olympian council uneven, 7 males and 5 females. There are more gods, minor ones such as Hermes and Nemesis, or Nike but the twelve Olympians are the most well known. The big three: Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades are the Olympian sons of Kronos and Rhea. The female big three: Hera, Hestia, and Demeter are the Olympian daughters of Kronos and Rhea. All but Zeus were swallowed by Kronos. Zeus forced his father to spit up his siblings and together they chopped him up into a billions of pieces and then threw him into Tartaurus, the darkest and deepest pit in Hades. (Hades is another name for the Underworld) A few of the gods and goddesses had constant companions, such as: Athena: Nike, goddess of victory Aphrodite: Eros, god of love, Aphrodite's son Ares: Nemesis, goddess of revenge Hermes, not one of the twelve Olympians is the merriest of the gods and goddesses. Hermes is the god of travelers, merchants, thieves, doctors, anyone who uses the road. There is so much more to the gods and goddesses of Olympus, but I can't fit it all into one little section. If you need a starter, go to the library and check out some greek myths. If not, read Percy Jackson and the Olympians. They are very informational books and very entertaining.

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12y ago

There are quite a few, since the gods and goddesses were the personifications of natural and primordial forces. Traditionally, though, when you think of the Greek gods, you think of the Olympians and their immediate kin. They were:















There are plenty more minor gods and goddesses but this pretty much covers the majors.

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There are twelve main gods and goddesses(the Olympians), but there are lots of other minor gods and goddesses in Greek mythology.

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Here are some of the Greek gods and goddesses (feel free to add to this list):ZeusPoseidonHadesHeraAthenaHestiaArtemisAresHermesKronosDemeterPersephoneAphrodite

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No one in the modern world is related to the Greek gods and goddesses; they are mythology.

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A lot. The Greeks worship many gods and goddesses so you can't find the exact number. There are many major and minor Greek gods and goddesses. You have to be more specific, how many Greek major gods or how many minor gods.

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There isn't really a set 'list' of Greek gods and goddesses. There are countless gods and goddesses in Greek mythology. However, Iris is definitely considered one of them.

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