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it has never been banned

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Q: Who banned the Olympics games and when were they banned?
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Which country competed in the 2004 summer Olympics but has been banned from the current Olympic games?

The country Iraq was banned from the Olympics in the year of 2008.

Which roman banned the Olympics games in ad 393?

The Olympics were banned in 393 AD by the Roman Emperor Theodosius. At that time, Christianity was the religion of the Roman Empire. The Emperor saw the Olympic Games as a pagan celebration in honor of pagan gods.

What roman emperor banned olympic games in ad 394?

what roman emporer who got banned from the Olympics in 394

Were africans banned from the 1976 Olympics?

No. Several African countries chose to boycott the 1976 games, but they weren't banned.Unless you mean South Africans, who were banned from the Olympics for several decades including in 1976.

What country was banned from the Olympics games from 1962 to 1991?

South Africa, because of racial discrimination.

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When were the last ancient Olympics held?

AD 393385 was the last recorded games, although the games may have continued to 393 (in 394 the games were banned by the then Roman Emperor).

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because of the king that was elected was christian but the olympic games was a pagan sport so he banned all things pagan including the olympic games

Who banned the Ancient Olympics?

john sr ...

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When was boxing first contested in the Summer Olympics?

Boxing was first contested as a full Olympic sport at the 1904 Olympics. It has been contested in every Olympics since, with the exception of the 1912 games, held in Stockholm, Sweden - where boxing was banned at the time.