

Who brougt Adam and Eve on Earth?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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It was God who banished them from Eden.

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Q: Who brougt Adam and Eve on Earth?
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Adam and Eve who?

ADAM AND EVE was the 1st man and woman on earth!!

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Mecca or Medina is not please of birth of Adam and Eve. Adam was created by GOD and Eve born from left rib of Adam in heavens and come to earth. Adam was first human being on earth.

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Yes, Adam and Eve are considered as people. adam was the first man on earth created by God.

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First on Planet EarthChristians believe that Adam and then Eve were the first on earth. They believe that God created the earth, and then the animals, then Adam followed by Eve.

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they didn't adam and eve were responsible for the care of the earth they lived on and the care for their children. humans are the offspring of adam and eve and have the same responsibilities.

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Adam and Eve

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Adam and Eve.

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Adam and eve

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Adam and eve

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Adam and Eve.

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Adam and eve