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Hi Brother,

What is asthma?

Asthma is a long-lasting (chronic) disease of the lungs and airways (bronchi) that affects 5 people in every 100. In children, this figure is higher and rising.

Asthma is characterised by attacks of breathlessness, tight chest, wheezing and coughing which are caused by the airways becoming narrowed and inflamed. Some people may have these symptoms all of the time and others may be normal between attacks.

How do you get asthma?Asthma can arise at any age, but why some people have the disease and others don't is not known. People with asthma have airways that are more sensitive than normal.
  • Doctors know, however, that asthma can sometimes run in families.
  • Asthma attacks can be set off by many different things, these are called triggers. Examples include cold air, vigorous exercise and stress.
  • These triggers may also include 'allergens'. These are present in the environment and contain chemicals that trigger allergic reactions.
  • Allergens include, for example, pollen, animal danders, house dust, pollution, some foods, perfumes and cigarette smoke.
  • Allergens cause the lining of the airways to become swollen and inflamed. It produces extra mucus and the muscles of the airways tighten. There is then less room for the air to pass in and out.
  • Attacks may be more frequent or severe in people who have a chest infection.
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13y ago
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11y ago

Studies show that those who are most likely to suffer from asthma may have been premature babies, have Allergies, be exposed to tobacco smoke, and of course many other environmental factors such as pollution from indoor or outdoor air.

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12y ago

Asthma is caused by environmental and genetic factors. These factors combine to determine how severe an asthma case is or how it responds to medicine. Obesity has also been linked to the increase of asthma cases in recent years in the US and the UK.

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14y ago

the people that are most at risk of getting asthma are people who are mostly obese, if their family has had asthma it may have been passed on, people who smoke, and people who have a hard time breathing. hope i answered yah question

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11y ago

people that get asthma are people with heredity asmatic

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14y ago

Most people who are around second hand smoke an who smoke cigarettes.

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11y ago

People who get asthma are people who are born with it. People do not know how Asthma started.

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Any risk to live together with asthma suffering person?

No. The only risk you might have is the risk of not getting much sleep. Asthma is not contagious. It is a generic disease.

What are some ways to reduce the risk of getting asthma?

Don't smoke. Talk to a doctor

What is the risk when taking asthma medicine when you don't have asthma?


What are the risk factors of asthma and playing sports?

the risk factors of asthma when playing sport are mainly that you could pass out or have a severe asthma attack. my advice is to have your ventalation or puffa with you at all times when you are playing sport.

Chances of getting asthma?

Asthma is an inflammatory disease of the airways. If you have asthma symptoms/risks are: wheezing, trouble breathing, coughing, etc. You can have an asthma attack which is loss of breath and a tight chest. This can be dangerous as there is a possibility that you can utterly stop breathing if the attack is so severe.

Can 13 year olds die from asthma?

Yes 13 year olds can die from Asthma. There is a risk of anyone who has asthma dying at any age. All it takes is a serious asthma attack.

How can you avoid getting asthma?

by getting away from people who smoke

What are all the types of asthma and which type is the worst and most risky and which type is non-risky?

There is mild asthma right through to severely uncontrolled asthma. Asthma comes in 5 stages. Stages 1-2 are controlled asthma and stage 4-5 are severe asthma needing extra preventitive treatment to control it and reduce asthma attacks. Each stage of asthma is risky when having a asthma attack. But the more severe or the less controlled the asthma is, the higher the risk associated with yourself of having a severe asthma attack. Constant asthma attacks is not good on lung function and any chage to asthma should be checked over my a doctor.

Are there any risks associated with asthma medications?

These medicines are still given to people due to the fact that they can help reduce asthma symptoms. The risk of asthma death from these medicines is very small.

What is the ratio for getting asthma?

its 1:1

What happens if you leave asthma untreated?

the worst is you can have an asthma attack, and die. but if you do you can grow out of asthma!!!!!!!!! i should know i use to have it, not any more

What are some risk factors when you have asthma?

There are many risk factors which can trigger an asthma attack. Chest infection, air pollution, smog, high pollen count in spring, smoking and emotional outbursts can all trigger an attack.