

Who conquered Mexico for Spain in 1519?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Hernan Cortes (1485 - 1547)

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Q: Who conquered Mexico for Spain in 1519?
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When did Spain get to Mexico?


Did Mexico find Spain or did Spain fnd Mexico?

Spanish conquistadors found Mexico in 1519.

What was the name of the leader in Mexico who arrivedin 1519?

He was a Spanish conquistador, who conquered Mexico. His name was Hernan Cortes.

When did Spain conquered Mexico?

In 1521.

What European nation found Mexico?

Spain qualifies as such, having discovered Mexico in 1519 and having conquered the Aztec civilization in 1521. Mexico would become an overseas territory of the Spanish Empire for three centuries, until 1821 when Mexico fought and won its independence war.

Was anyone interested in exploring Mexico and America in 1519?

Yes, the Kingdom of Spain.

Why was Moctezuma important to Mexico in 1519?

He was the last Aztec emperor before they were conquered by Hernan Cortes in 1521.

Who conquered the aztecsin Mexico in 1519?

Hernan Cortez came to the Aztec empire in 1519 with about 600 men. In 1520 he led the siege of tenochtitlan and took completely destroyed the city, a city was later rebuilt near tenochtitlan named mexico city, after the mexica people who were what you think of as the aztecs, mexico city became the capital of the state of new spain "mexico" and cortez sailed on, reaching the philippines where he died.

Did Mexico own Texas before Spain?

No. After Spain conquered Mexico, it eventually conquered the territories known as present-day Texas.

How many years was Mexico an English colony?

Never. Both Mexico and the territory of New Mexico were conquered and/or settled by the Spanish Empire, since Mexico was "discovered" by Hernan Cortes in 1519. Mexico became an overseas territory of the Spanish Empire from 1521 until the end of Mexico's War of Independence (1810-1821) against Spain.

When was hernan Cortes active?

Hernan Cortes was born 1485, in Medellín, Castile (Spain) & died December 1547 near Sevilla (Spain.) Cortes sailed for the coast of Yucatan (Mexico) on February 18, 1519, and overthrew the Aztec empire (1519-21) thus winning Mexico for Spain.

What did the Spanish name Mexico after they conquered it?

Viceroyalty of the New Spain