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Ben Franklin, they are called bifocals

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Q: Who created eyeglasses for nearsighted and farsighted vision?
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When were the first eyeglasses made?

== == The ancestry of eyeglasses dates back to 4 BC, when people utilized water to magnify items for clearer viewing. The modern framed eyeglasses were known to exist as early as 1285, then referred to as "spectacles". By definition, eyeglasses are devices used to correct impaired vision, be it farsighted or nearsighted. Today, eyeglasses are prescribed lenses fitted on a frame to that rest on the bridge of your nose.One of the first people to wear "glasses" was Roman emperor Nero. He used a carved piece of emerald to help him see lions tearing apart people in the Roman games.

Can eyes see?

Yes, eyes are able to see things as long as the person is not blind. A person that is able to see though can have various ranges that they are able to see, some having perfect vision. Others can be farsighted or nearsighted.

When a person is far sided do the need a concave lens or convex lens?

Farsighted people use convex lenses to correct their vision.(This is the correct answer!)

Can 2040 or 2050 vision be corrected with eyeglasses?

eyeglasses can correct any form of poor vision at an degree.

What does it mean when someone is nearsighted?

Being diagnosed as being nearsighted means just exactly what it says. You can only focus on things close to you. Distant objects are out of focus. Being farsighted means just exactly the opposite of being nearsighted. Distant objects are in focus, but nearby things appear blurry.

Why can nearsighted people see better underwater than people with 20 20 vision?

When light changes from traveling in one medium to another, it will 'bend' or refract. However, water and your eye basically have the same refractive index, so the light will barely bend (unlike in air.) Your lens can't properly compensate for the lack of the refraction, so a normal person would become more farsighted, a farsighted person would become even more farsighted. However, a severely nearsighted person would get closer to normal as their eye defects compensate more for the lack of refraction.

How effective is lasik?

Lasik is a very effective eye surgery. Nearsighted or farsighted patients usually get excellent results with Lasik vision correction procedure. Progress in Lasik technology during the last years has also translated to a higher chance of obtaining 20/20 or better vision. According to available statistics, more than 90 percent of patients who have Lasik done obtain 20/40 or better vision after procedure and no longer have to use eyeglasses or contact lenses; 55 percent of patients get 20/20 or better vision after Lasik. The FDA found that complications take place in 1% to 5% of Lasik procedures.

Type of vision caused by a shorter than normal eyeball?


How can you go from farsighted to nearsighted within months?

It seems they can. I had a cataract replaced and before that I was near sighted. When I went to get my new contact, since my astigmatism was not fully corrected by the implanted lens, it was found after several examinations of not being able to fit me with the first prescription after the surgery that on a next exam my vision had done a 180 turn to farsighted. It went from a negative - to a + prescription and as of yet have not been able to fit me with a proper prescription

If you have double vision within 2 feet do you need eyeglasses?

Yes, you need eyeglasses if you have double vision within up to 20 feet away.

Who uses bifocals?

Bifocals are a type of prescription eyeglasses designed for people who need both near and farsighted vision correction. Different from single vision lenses, bifocals have two corrective lenses on each side of a pair of glasses, for a total of four lenses per pair.

What is short word for long sightedness?

Another word for "farsighted" meaning addressing future concerns is "foresight." The word for "farsighted" vision is hyperopia (also hypermetropia).