

Who do cyclones effect?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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cyclones effect mostly people in the Southern Hemisphere because people in the northern hemisphere call them hurricanes

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Q: Who do cyclones effect?
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How do cyclones effect the biosphere?

cyclones are huge waves that flood the water :) By Indistop

Why are cyclones formed on the equator?

Cyclones don't form at the equator. The Coriolis effect is a key element in the formation of cyclones. Its influence is negligible at the equator.

How do cyclones effect the atmosphere?

it can cause temperature changes

What phenomenon is responsible for the rotation of large cyclones such as hurricanes?

the Coriolis effect

Why are tropical cyclones never observed within about 5 north and south latitudes?

Cyclones require, some amount of Coriolis force in order to gain their rotation. This effect is strongest at the poles and zero at the equator. Within 5 degrees of the equator, the effect is too weak for cyclones to organize.

Tropical cyclones turn counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere due to?

Coriolis Effect

What are cyclones called in Europe?

Cyclones in Europe are known as cyclones. They are not called hurricanes - this is a term generally reserved for cyclones in the Americas.

Are cyclones geological?

No, cyclones are meteorological.

Are there any cyclones in Japan?

Yes, Japan does have cyclones. The term for cyclones in this area of the world is typhoons.

Why tropical cyclone is not happening at the equator?

The rotation of a large-scale weather system depends on the Coriolis effect, in which moving air is deflected relative to earth's surface. This effect is strongest near the poles and diminishes to zero at the equator. Since this effect is weak at the lowest latitudes, tropical storms generally cannot organize within 5 degrees of the equator.

Are cyclones similar to tusnaimis?

No. Cyclones are similar to hurricanes.

What are the precautions to stop cyclones?

There are none. Cyclones cannot be stopped.