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According to Ancient Greek history, the Athens.

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Q: Who elected high ranking government administrators and generals?
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Did Sparta have high ranking administrators?

Each year the citizens elected six magistrates (ephors). They also had priests and two kings (were war leaders and had religious duties).

What was the name of the highest- ranking official position in Rome?

The highest ranking official in ancient Rome was called the Emperor. Other high ranking officials in Rome were called Generals.

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4 star generals are in the US

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One Star - the lowest ranking of Generals

Can a Protestant be elected Pope?

No, the ranking is a Catholic position.

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Ranking in which kind could be Capital, Government, etc.

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In the United States it would be the Mayor of the city or town. In some places this elected official is referred to as the City Supervisor.

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In the US, the highest ranking government official in the states are their governors.

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What is the top official of the executive branch Texas?

The top executive official of any state government in the United States is the governor. State governments are set up fairly similar to the federal government. They have legislative, executive, and judicial branches. The president is the top executive in the United States while the governor is the top executive of a state government.

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The President of course