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The Adamson Act was passed in 1916, sponsored by William C. Adamson, which established an 8-hour work-day, plus overtime pay.

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Q: Who established eight-hour days for railroad workers?
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How did conflict between striking workers and authorities affect union membership?

During the early days of trade unions, especially ones that represented workers in large industries, dangerous conflicts were sometimes part of a union strike. Businesses were known to hire "strike breakers" to fight with workers on union picket lines and try to intimidate strikers. This certainly had to affect the expansion of unions to industries not yet unionized. The conflicts abated when State and Federal governments passed laws to protect union workers. The Federal government established agencies to help mediate union and management problems. In time industries began to see that violence was not the answer to strikes. Meaningful negotiations between management & unions held sway.

The requirement that the president report to Congress within forty-eight hours of sending troops into hostilities and then obtain the approval of Congress within sixty days is established by?

The war powers resolution

How did the new deal help labor?

FDR agreed to many union demands during his administration in order to obtain labor's support for his New Deal programs. The CIO and the Steel Workers' Organizing Committee were founded during FDR's administration. Under FDR, union membership increased in number and being a member of a union became a badge of honor. The National Industrial Recovery Act, which created the National Recovery Administration, established codes for business and labor. Section 7a of the act required companies which signed the codes to bargain collectively with their workers. The NRA also acted as a referee among companies and between employers and employees.

Why did George Washington refuse to be called a king?

George Washington felt that it was unfair that one person lead a whole country so he became the president. In those days monarchs or kings and queens were referred to as your highness but the monarchs decisions were final and spread throughout the country. Washington thought this wasn't fair so he established a government.

How many days are in a millennium?

Each year is 365.242199 days, so a millennium (1000 years) is:(365.242199x1000) 365,242.99 days.

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What was the incident that almost spoiled the celebration of the completion of the transcontinental railroad in 1869?

The two railroad companies were scheduled to meet at Promontory Point, Utah and drive in the "golden spike". A celebration was planned however, rioting Chinese railroad workers rioted against each other over a trivial matter. Two private companies had recruited many Chinese workers to build the transcontinental railroad and the companies had recruited men with different dialects and districts. Then there was a separate riot against one railroad because of back wages they owed to their Chinese workers. After being held hostage, the railway owners finally paid their workers. This problem had delayed the meeting of the two trains by two days.

What is one way the railroads impacted life on the great plains?

Towns grew upas supply stationsfor railroad workers and travelers.

What is you have been working on the railroad about?

I've been working on the railroad is about how the railroad was made. It is also about the trains and how they work. It is mostly about work in the olden days.

When and why was Labor Day established in the USA?

The first labor day was celebrated on September 5, 1882 as a day of rest for workers. Many labor unions were striking around that time for shorter work days. President Grover Cleveland established the day as a national holiday to appeal to unions and honor workers' contributions to society.

Where did transcontinental railroad workers live?

Workers building the Transcontinental Railroad in places far from towns and cities lived in camps when they were not working. On average, these laborers (typically Irish and Chinese immigrants) worked 12 hours per day, 6 days per week. In the camps, workers ate, drank, gathered around the campfire, gambled, and smoked opium. It was a difficult life and a dangerous one. Winters were harsh, and a particularly bad snow storm could lead to the deaths of an entire camp full of laborers -- only to be found when the snow melted in the spring.

If it takes 8 workers 8 days to dig a trench how long will it take 4 workers to dig half a trench?

Eight days.

If 3 workers build 3 houses in 3 days how many houses built 12 workers in 12 days?

12 houses

What was riding on the transcontinental railroad like?

Cold and hot on different days

It takes 8 workers 15 days to complete a job. If the job has to be completed in 10 days. How many more workers are needed?

I think you need an extra 4 workers (assuming each worker works the same amount as all the other workers).

Two workers can make two chairs in two days how many chairs can 8 workers working at the same rate make in two days?


How many days a week do childcare workers have to work?

Around 3 days LOL

Did 1930 workers get days off of work?

Yes they did.