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Karl Heinrich Marx (1818-1883) was a Prussian-German philosopher and revolutionary socialist. He established the basis of Communist ideology. His ideas played a significant role in the establishment of the Social Sciences and the development of the socialist movement. One of his best known ideas is the concept that history is driven by struggles between social classes.

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1mo ago

Karl Marx was a German philosopher, economist, and political theorist who lived from 1818 to 1883. He is best known as the co-author of "The Communist Manifesto" and the author of "Das Kapital." Marx spent most of his life in Europe, particularly in Germany and England.

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13y ago

Marx wasn't alive during the cold war, he died almost a century before. That is correct that Marx wasn't alive during that war, but he did have a major impact on it. Marx beleived in Communism. The U.S. government put up a iron shield if you will, to try to stop the spread of Communism during the Cold War. Communism was rapidly spreading to Europe and the U.S. tried to prevent that.

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9y ago

Karl Marx was a sociologist, a journalist, and an economist. He lived in Germany. He was born in 1818 and died in 1883. Karl Marx is the person responsible for the Communist Party and a socialist economy. He was the author of "The Communist Manifesto".

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14y ago

He wrote the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital, with Friedrich Engels.

Karl Marx was a philosopher and economist who, along with Friedrich Engels developed the concept of communism as an economic system. His views of history led him to predict the demise of capitalism, its replacement by socialism, and its ultimate evolution into communism. No country has ever attained the true communist state as Marx predicted no matter what the so-called communist countries call themselves.

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14y ago

Karl Marx (1818-1883) is referred to as the father of modern socialism. Marx grew up in Trier (western Germany) with a family who was very interested in political debates and movements of the revolutionary era. Marx had studied law at the University of Berlin, before turning to philosophy, especially the Georg Wilhelm Friederich Hegel's ideas. He joined a group called "Young Hegelians" and used Hegel's concepts for his radical politics. However, his radicalism prevented him from getting a position at the university and he became a journalist instead. During the years 1842-1843, Marx edited the Rhineland Gazette. Yet, the Prussian government disliked the paper's criticism of the legal and political systems, shut it down, and then sent Marx into exile (first in Paris, then Brussels, then London). In Paris, Marx studied socialist theory, economics, and the history of the French Revolution. Here, he also began an intellectual and political friendship with Friederich Engels (who is most famous for denouncing the inequalities of capitalism). Marx and Engels both joined an international group of radicals called the League of the Just (later renamed the Communist League in 1847).

The league asked Marx to write out a statement of its principles, which was published in 1848 as the Communist Manifesto. Marx's "basic beliefs" are in this manifesto. Marx's theory of history was essentially that world history had already gone through three important stages, each one represented by conflict between social groups. The first stage was master vs. slave in ancient slavery, the second lord and serf in feudalism, and the third bourgeois vs. proletariat in capitalism. In the manifesto, Marx and Engels both praised the revolutionary accomplishments of capitalism by bringing attention to how the bourgeoisie had united to create more productive forces than ever. Yet, they also argued that capitalism would eventually undermine the bourgeois class, since the workers would rise against the state because of industrial capital.

Marx used Hegel's idea that history was a process moving towards human freedom. The term "dialectical materialism" is often used to describe Marxist thought. Essentially it builds off of Hegel's concept of history moving towards human freedom, but Marx adds one important element to it: it moves on the basis of material, both social and economic.

The three things in bold above are Marx's most famous and important beliefs and concepts.

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14y ago

Karl Marx and his associate Friederich Engels developed the political ideology known as Communism.

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