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Sir Edmund Halley is given credit for one in the year l7l7. There is some evidence Greek savants such as Archimedes toyed with all-glass diving bells but how much of this is wishful thinking is not known. the French hail Archimedes as the submarine pioneer, and have named several subs in his honor.

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Q: Who invented the very first diving bell?
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Who invented the diving-bell?

Lighting up the sky- well in a very real sense- Astronomer Royal Sir Edmund Halley- of comet fame- invented the Diving Bell in l7l7 ad . This was the patented model. You see he was involved in marine science also- As Above, So Below!

What is a diving bell?

It is a device that looks like a bell and helps you dive into very deep places. the bell hosts the people in it sheilding them from the pressure.

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The person to invent the very first telephone was called (Alexander Graham Bell)

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The first answer is that Samuel Morse invented the Morse Code. And the telegraph. The second answer is that Alexander Graham Bell invented the very first telephone.

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The first phone was invented by alexandra bell, there are also very good answers on google

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Obviously there is Queen Victoria but if you are looking for inventors there are: Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone James Starley who invented the bicycle David Charles invented the Penny Black Stamp (The very first stamp)

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In fact, the invention of the telephone and lightbulb is very controversial. The Altair computer was originally developed by Ed Roberts.

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It can't be very hard, I first dived of the ten metre high diving board when I was11 years old.

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It is not really known who invented the first notebook. This is because it was invented a very long time ago.

Who made the 2nd telephone?

Well, literally, one telephone by itself is of no use - so presumably the guy who invented the first.A more interesting question might be "who invented the telephone second?" which is subtly different. The problem is that we can't be absolutely certain who invented the telephone first. Alexander Graham Bell usually gets the credit, but another inventor (Elisha Gray) invented a sort of telephone at very nearly the same time, and there were some ... let's call them "shenanigans" ... involved with their attempts to patent them. Gray's lawyer filed a "patent caveat" on the same day that Bell's lawyer filed a patent application, but Bell's application was reviewed first. Bell was very much aware of Gray, and the telephone as described in Bell's patent application didn't work (it could transmit some sounds, but not intelligible voice). The first of Bell's telephones that actually could transmit a voice that could be understood at the other end (the famous "Watson, come here" telephone) used a microphone that was quite similar to the one in Gray's patent.

Is diving popular in China?

diving in china is not very popular now