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Lewis Howard Latimer

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Q: Who invented toilet for railroad cars?
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Invented toilet system for railroad cars and electric lamppublished book that became guide for lighting engineers?

Lewis Howard Latimer invented a toilet system for railroad cars. He also invented an electric lamp using carbon filaments in light bulbs.

Who invented the toilet system for railroad cars and electric lamp?

Lewis Howard Latimer

Who invented the toilet system for railroad cars and electric lamp Published book that became guide for lighting engineers?

The person who invented the toilet system for railroad cars and electric lamp Published book that became guide for lighting engineers was a man called 'Fredrick Roy Johnson'

What does Lewis howard latimer's invention do?

In 1874, he copatented (with Charles W. Brown) an improved toilet system for railroad cars called the Water Closet for Railroad Cars. A water closet for railroad cars is an on-board toilet. The phrase "water closet" means "room with a toilet" or modernly known "bathroom."

What is the toilet system for railroad cars?

Until very recently, the system was to let it drop on the tracks. Now it is collected in tanks, just the way they do with airplanes.

Who invented the first toilet?

John Crapper invented the first toilet.

Wene was the first toilet invented?

The first flush toilet was invented in the 1600s. It was invented in 1596

Who invented bounty paper towel?

Bounty Paper towels were invented by Arthur Scott who had a railroad car full of toilet paper to sell but he could not sell it because it had been rolled too thickly. It was unusable as toilet paper. It was an accident to invent paper towels!

Which country invented the toilet bowl?

The flushing toilet was invented by John Harrington in 1596. he was English so the toilet bowl was invented in England.

When was the toilet invented and by whom?

The toilet was invented by Sir John Harington in 1590.

How was the toilet invented?

it was invented by wood

Who invented the public flushing toilet?

The flushing toilet was invented by John Harrington in 1596.