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Slim is a character in John Steinbeck's novel "Of Mice and Men." He is described as a skilled and respected mule driver on the ranch where the story takes place. Slim is known for his quiet nature, wisdom, and understanding of the other characters' struggles.

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A highly skilled mule driver and the acknowledged "prince" of the ranch, Slim is the only character who seems to be at peace with himself. He is a god-like character, and Steinbeck's representation of how men should behave in an ideal society. The other characters often look to Slim for advice. For instance, only after Slim agrees that Candy should put his decrepit dog out of its misery does the old man agree to let Carlson shoot it. A quiet, insightful man, Slim alone understands the nature of the bond between George and Lennie, and comforts George at the book's tragic ending.

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What is Slim's Job in Mice and Men?

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In "Of Mice and Men", Slim is described as the skinner. As the skinner, Slim is responsible for skinning the animals that are killed on the ranch. He is known for his skill and expertise in this task.

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Page 34

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At the beginning of chapter 3 in "Of Mice and Men," Lennie is with Slim outside the bunkhouse. They are discussing the new puppies that Slim's dog has just given birth to.

What does Slim tell Carlson to take with him when he shoots Candy's dog in Of Mice and Men?

Slim tells Carlson to take a shovel with him when he shoots Candy's dog in "Of Mice and Men" to bury the dog afterwards.

What is slims last name in Of Mice and Men?

Slim's last name is never mentioned in John Steinbeck's novella "Of Mice and Men." He is simply referred to as Slim throughout the story.

What is slim's job in the ranch in 'Of Mice and Men'?

Slim works as a skilled mule driver on the ranch in 'Of Mice and Men'. He is well-respected by the other ranch workers for his expertise with the mules and his calm demeanor. Additionally, Slim is also seen as a voice of reason and wisdom among the men on the ranch.