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As of 2011, the most famous Sephardi rabbi in Israel is former Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef.

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Q: Who is the name of the most famous Sephardi Rabbi in Israel?
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Why is Anti-Semitism towards Sephardi Jews in Israel so common?

Ashkenazim Jews from Israel have animosity towards Sephardi Jews from Israel. Ashkenazim view them as second class Jews. Before 1492 it was the other way around. Sephardi shined more than Ashkenazim then. It is like a wheel of fortune.There are very smart Ashkenazim but there are very smart Sephardi too. Sephardi Jews should not be treated as second class Jews because of the color of their skin since both are Jewish... Ashkenazim and Sephardi should be treated equally well.The above outlines the historical context, but does not provide an answer. The typical reason that there was intra-Jewish discrimination in Israel was that Mizrahim (Jews from the Arab World typically called Sephardim) were typically uneducated, superstitious, and generally not very well-informed about how the world worked. European Jews were lawyers, bankers, and doctors (for the most part) and Arab Jews were merchants, tradesmen, and artisans (for the most part). Because of these adjustment issues, Mizrahim generally were poorer and stuck out like sore thumbs in the Western-Style Israeli System.Anti-Mizrahi discrimination in Israel is fast-disappearing as the children and grandchildren of the original immigrants are more at home in Israel, serve in the Armed Forces, and generally have close relations with Ashkenazim (European Jews).Answer:Let's not generalize. Very many Sephardim and Ashkenazim are marrying each other recently.

Who was the greatest figure in spanish judaism?

most likely the RomBom (Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon) otherwise known as maimonidies there was a rabbi after him also in Spain called the RomBon (Rabbi Moshe ben Nachmun) or Nachmonidies, he was pretty famous too

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I'd say Jesus Christ

Who is the most famous priest and rabbi in the history of the world?

Jesus Christ was the most famous Rabbi. He was Jewish. He had a following of disciples. He taught. He confounded the Rabbis of his day. He is better know that any other Jewish teacher of the Law. Jesus Christ is the most well known of those who claim to be "our Great High Priest" Heb.4:14.

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