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There are several versions of the death of Ajax the greater. According to one story, after the death of Achilles there was a dispute as to who should receive his armor; it was claimed both by Ajax (Aias) and Odysseus. Either the other Greek leaders put it to the vote or, according another version, they entrusted the decision the Helenus, the captive Trojan seer. At all events, the armor went to Odyssues. Thereupon Aias planned a night-attack on his own allies; but Athena drove him and so that he killed a flock of sheep instead. When he came to himself, shame and remorse drove him to slay himself with his sword.

Another version says he was killed by Paris by an arrow. It is also said that he was buried alive by the Trojans. Yet another version recounted that he was murmured by Odysseus.

Thus, Who killed Ajax the greater? : Himself, Paris, The Trojans, or Odysseus

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