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Jack runs for leader against Ralph during the first meeting in "Lord of the Flies." Jack represents a more savage and authoritarian leadership style, while Ralph emphasizes order and civilization.

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Q: Who runs for leader against Ralph during the first meeting lord of the files?
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What does jack do during the meeting in LOTF?

During the meeting in "Lord of the Flies," Jack argues that Ralph should not be the chief because he believes he would make a better leader. Jack also asserts that Ralph is not a good hunter, and he suggests that the boys should prioritize hunting and having fun over maintaining the signal fire. This meeting marks the beginning of the power struggle between Jack and Ralph.

In Lord of the Flies who is leader of group?

During the first meeting, which was held in chapter 1: The Sound of the Shell, Ralph was elected as the chief. Later in the book Jack formed his own tribe and appointed himself as chief.

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Jack called the meeting under the pretence of discussing the encounter with the beast on the mountain top but really with the intention of attempting to depose Ralph as leader and installing himself as the new leader of the boys.

Where does Ralph sit during the meeting in the lord of the flies?

Ralph sits on a fallen tree trunk during the meeting in "Lord of the Flies." This position symbolizes his leadership role as the boys' chief, providing a sense of authority and organization in the chaotic situation on the island.

What is Ralph's first act of being elected leader?

Ralph's first act of being elected leader in "Lord of the Flies" is to organize a meeting with the boys to establish rules for their new society. He prioritizes building a signal fire to attract potential rescuers and creates a system for granting the conch shell to those who have the right to speak during meetings.

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Why does Jack call a meeting What Happens?

Jack calls a meeting to discuss the need for rules and order on the island in order to maintain civilization. During the meeting, the boys agree to establish a system of governance with Ralph as the leader, but Jack becomes frustrated and eventually decides to form his own group, leading to a division among the boys.

Where in the book is Ralph elected chief?

Ralph is elected chief during the very first meeting, which happens very early in the book.

Who is Ralph's main competition in Lord of the Flies?

The only other boy who stood against Ralph in the election to be leader was Jack Merridew and he continued to challenge Ralph's leadership for the entire novel.

Which two things does Ralph say that insult Jack?

During the meeting when Jack talks of hunting the beast Ralph describes Jack's hunters as, "boys armed with sticks." Later, during the confrontation at Castle Rock, Ralph calls Jack a Thief.

What does Ralph realize is necessary in order to be a leader?

Some things that make Ralph a desirable leader are that he's bigger than Jack, and he appears fit and powerful. He also calls the meeting and has possession of the conch, which makes him appear to be a leader and in control of things.

What does Ralph want to do after the meeting goes horribly wrong who convince him not to do it?

Ralph wants to give up his position as a leader and run away to hide in the forest. Piggy convinces him not to do it, reminding him of the importance of their organized society and the need for Ralph's leadership to maintain order on the island.