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The pharaohs' tombs were primarily emptied by raiders. However, there were some tombs whose mummies were able to be saved. One of the most famous pharaohs to have been rescued was King Tut.

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Why did they put pharaohs into tombs?

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Where are the ancient tombs of pharaohs located?

To visit the tombs of any pharaohs one would have to go to Egypt. There are companies that offer tours to certain tombs in Egypt. There are some tombs that are off limits to visitors, however.

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The pyramids were the tombs of the pharaohs and their families.

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Pharaohs hid their tombs because they were afraid of robbers robbing the tombs so they tried to hide them away from robbers.

Why did ancient Egyptians build tombs for their pharaohs?

The answer is for the built kings and pharaohs.Someone important and for loyalty. They were built because people had nothing better to do but makes tombs for the dead who they think with there dumb minds that they are going to another world

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Pharaohs hid their tombs because they were afraid of robbers robbing the tombs so they tried to hide them away from robbers.

Where were pharaohs buried?

In Egypt, the pharaohs were buried in Valley of the Kings.

A structures that pharaohs buried in?

Pyramids and tombs

What does the valley of the kings contain?

The tombs of the Pharaohs

What did Egyptian pharaohs put in tombs?

to preserve them