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During the Boston tea party, the American colonists invaded British tea ships and threw all their tea overboard.

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Q: Who threw out the tea at the tea party?
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What was the effect of tea act?

The people of the colonies threw the tea in to the Boston Harbor. We have called this the Boston Tea Party.

What did the colonists do to fight against the taxes?

The tea party threw away the tea into the ocean

Why did the colonists hold the Boston Tea party?

it was to pay for their taxes of tea so they threw it over a boat

How did the colonists protest or show that they were against the new taxes?

They made up the Boston Tea Party and threw tea into the river.

What is the name of the event in which Samuel Adams and paul revere threw british tea into Boston harbor?

The Boston Tea Party

What time what date and what place was the Boston tea party at?

December 16, 1773,at nightand at the harbor, where they threw out the tea into the ocean

In the Boston tea party did the colonists throw the tea of the dock or the ships?

I don't understand this question, but they threw the tea over from a ship into the water.

Why did the Americans react poorly to the Tea Act?

They threw all of the boxes of tea on a British trading ship overboard and this was called the Boston Tea Party.

Was Silas Bent involved in the Boston Tea Party?

Silas Bent was born in Massachusetts, in 1744, and it is said that he was one of the party who threw the British tea into Boston harbor.

How many tea parties were after the Boston Tea Party?

the boston tea party wasnt an actual tea party it was an act of rebellion to resist the tea act. Patriots got onto a boat filled with tea from the British east india company dressed as indians ( I think Iriquoian indians) and threw all the tea fromthe boats

Why is the teaparty called the tea party?

Because the King thought that the patriots were having a "party" as they threw the tea overboard. Either that or the King just had no reason for coming up with that name.

In the Boston Tea Party who threw the 342 crates of tea in the Boston Harbor?

They were a political patriotic group called The Sons of Liberty.