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The most popular example of UDP protocol usage is video streaming such as YouTube, Twitch, etc.

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Q: Who uses UDP protocol as transport protocol?
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What transport protocol does Skype use?

I believe Skype uses UDP or User Datagram Protocol.

Udp is which layer protocol?

UDP is a layer 4 (transport) protocol.

Which protocol is used by FTP to transfer files over the Internet?

FTP uses TCP.Usage of Transport Layer protocol (tcp or udp) depends upon various applications.Such as FTP uses TCP, TFTP uses UDP.

Which Layer 4 protocol is used to transport voice packets in a VoIP deployment?

UDP - primarily for speed is used to transport voice packets in a VoIP deployment.

How many fields are there in IPv4 header?

UDP is a Transport layer protocol or fourth layer protocol. UDP is a connection less protocol used in transport layer. UDP header have four fields in total .

What is the transport layer protocol used in VOIP?

Transport layer TCP/IP Protocols are TCP and UDP

Which Transport layer protocol does TFTP rely?

TFTP uses UDP - TFTP stands for Trivial FTP, and it is called trivial because it does not check to ensure delivery, it uses UDP which makes a best-effort delivery attempt

What is the port number of eigrp?

EIGRP uses port no. 88, but it is not use TCP or UDP, it's uses RTP(Reliable Transport Protocol).

Which protocol does DHCP use at the Transport layer?

UDP and ports 67 and 68.

What are true statements about transport layer protocols?

**The TCP transport layer protocol uses windowing and acknowledgments for reliable transfer of data. **The TCP and UDP port numbers are used by application layer protocols. **The TCP transport layer protocol provides services to direct the data packets to their destination hosts.

What protocol does skype uses?

I believe Skype uses UDP or User Datagram Protocol.

What layer 4 protocol does RIP use?

RIP uses UDP protocol with port number 520