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Delegates are the ones that vote for the president.

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Q: Who votes for the delegates?
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How do the Democrats award delegates?

They award delegates in proportion to the primary vote for a candidate in a state.

How many delegates does a candidate need to get the republican nomination?

1144 delegates are needed to win the 2012 Republican nomination.

Why do Democrats and Republicans need a different number of delegates to win the nomination?

Because they have established different rules within their party. Democrats need 2382 delegates while Republicans need 1236 delegates.

What was the main concern at the 1968 Democratic National Convention?

Due to the Vietnam War, President Johnson declined to run again as US president. Major distubances from war protesters wreaked havoc in Chicago. The Democratic Party was highly embarrassed. Key players included the Chicago Police in full riot mode and backed up by the Illinois National Guard, Mayor Richard J. Daley as the Emcee, Mike Wallace and Dan Rather as the news and not reporters. Yippies and the Vietnam War were ever present delegates, the ghosts of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King were invisible delegates. As an almost afterthought, they nominated Hubert Humphrey as their candidate. Nixon carried 32 states and won 301 electoral votes, Humphrey won 13 States, the District of Columbia and 191 electoral votes. George Wallace picked up 5 States and 46 electoral votes.

What are the demographics of the republican delegates?

Since the 1972 convention, the percentage of female delegates ranged from as low as 29% to as high as 44%. Among Republican delegates, African-Americans account for less than 5% of the total convention delegates. Source:upperclassmonroe blogs wm edu/2012/08/18/post2-some-interesting-facts-about-the-delegate-demographics/

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How many votes did chesthur a arthur get?

won over 300,000 popular votes but no electoral college delegates.

What was the state with the most delegates?

California with 53 electoral votes.

How many delegates are needed to be nominated as president?

The number of delegates needed to nominate by the democrats is 2,025 .

What is winner?

It is when the process when in some states you get all of the delegates if you get the most votes

What determines how a candidate is chosen when no candidate wins a majority of votes in a primary election?

The primary elections are for delegates to the National nomination convention. Not all states have them and the way in which they select delegates varies. Sometimes the delegation is divided in proportion to the vote, sometimes the one with the most votes get all of the delegates. Sometimes the primaries are only advisory information for the delegates. If no candidate has a majority of the bound and committed delegates by convention time, delegates are all free after the first ballot to vote as they choose. Ballots are taken and deals are made and delegates switch votes until finally one candidate has a majority.

Which statement about national conventions is most accurate?

if initial convention voting doesn't show a majority, delegates can change their votes

Why did the delegates decide to have a two-part congress?

The delegates decided that they wanted a legislature where every state has an equal number of votes, namely the Senate. They also wanted one where votes are proportional to population, namely the House of Representatives.

How many delegates in north Dakota?

If you are asking about delegates to the Electoral College, based on the 2010 Census North Dakota has 3 electoral votes.

Does winning popular vote in democratic primary win all delegates in a state?

no, the amount of delegates rewarded is parallel to the percentage of votes received. delegates are also allocated through caucases.

What is a winner-take-all?

It is when the process when in some states you get all of the delegates if you get the most votes

What is winner take all'?

It is when the process when in some states you get all of the delegates if you get the most votes

How many delegates to congress votes states have?

States don't have "delegates to Congress," they have Representatives and Senators. Territories have non-voting delegates. The number of Representatives a State has is determined by its population. They each have two Senators.