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He was a physicist that is most known for working with quantum mechanics. Schrodinger's cat was his thought on the uncertaintiness of the modern model of quantum mechanics. The cat was either dead or alive but also neither.

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Q: Who was Schrodinger and what did he call his cat?
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Related questions

What thought experiment did Erwin Schrodinger create?

The thought experiment Erwin Schrodinger created was "Schrodinger's cat" which at times has been described as a paradox. Schrodinger created this experiment in the year 1935.

Who is the world's most famous cat?

Mr. Lee the three eyed cat is the most famous cat in the world!

The quantum theory of the nuclear atom was developed by whom who used observations of Albert Einstein to formulate his theory?

Schrodinger, who created the schrodinger's cat theory.

Who came up with the Schrodinger's cat theory?

Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger

What year was Erwin Schrödinger born?

Schrodinger (famous for Schrodinger's Cat thought game) was born August 12, 1887.He died January 4, 1961 (age 73).

What exactly does Schrodinger's cat mean?

It's a thought experiment in quantum physics. In it, a cat is imagined to be in a box with a vial of poison gas. Whether the vial breaks or not is dependent on whether an atom of an element decays or not. Schrodinger believed that this showed an interpretation of quantum physics to be invalid or incomplete, as the Copenhagen interpretation would say that the cat could simultaneously be alive and dead at once.

What did Schrodinger and heisenberg discover?

Schrödinger discovered that his cat was either alive or dead, but Heisenberg convinced him that he could not be certain.

Has an experiment like Schrodinger's cat been tried?

No. Such experiments are called 'thought' experiments. There is no need to try them. The purpose is to illustrate a point.

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What do you call a large spotted civet?

What do I call it? If it lived in my house and it was actually a cat I would probably--probably--call it Steven. I might call it Schrodinger, maybe. On the other hand, I think what you are looking for is not the name of a cat [and the civet isn't really a cat anyway]. It's the name for the type of civet that is large and spotted. I think the one you want is the African civet, Civettictis civetta. It is not only covered with spots and of a decent size, it's the one to which most people refer--unless, of course, they are thinking about coffee. Then the Asian palm civet is your culprit--but it is of a different look altogether.

What was Erwin Schrodinger religon?

Schrodinger was born to Roman Catholic parents.

How did Erwin Schrodinger achieve quantum mechanics?

schrodinger's dad worked with albert Einstein. Schrodinger looked up to Einstein and was amazed by his ways of thinking. Einstein inspired Schrodinger to become a scientist.