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US Army Generals chronologically were: Paul Harkins, William Westmoreland, and Creighton Abrams.

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Q: Who was the US general in the Vietnam war?
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Who was the major US general in the Vietnam war?

General William Westmoreland

US military general in Vietnam War?


What was the name of the general who coducted amassive kiling during the Vietnam war?

No US General conducted such operations. See website: Vietnam War

What part did General Maxwell Taylor play in the Vietnam War?

US Army Chief of Staff and US Ambassador to South Vietnam.

What was the role of General Haig?

I know of two General Haigs; one a British general from World War 1, and the other a US general from the Vietnam War. Can you specify?

Who was the leader of the US troops during the Vietnam War?

General Westmoreland was the commander of all U.S. forces during Vietnam.

General of the cold war?

US Army General Abrams, commander of US forces in Vietnam, and name sake of the current M1 Abrams tank. Any general from 1945 to 1990 (or 1991) was a cold war general.

Why was the US at war with Vietnam?

We were at war with Vietnam because they disagreed with us about something.

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How did General William Westmorland advise President Lyndon B. Johnson to Americanize the war in Vietnam?

To increase the number of American troops and bombing campaigns in Vietnam. Second answer. General Westmorland did not attempt to advise US President Lyndon Johnson on methods to "Americanize:" the Vietnam War.

How did the return of American troops from Vietnam affect the general population of the US?

The return of US personnel from the war coincided with the end of the military draft, the general US popluation was VERY RELIEVED!

Why did the US loss the war in Vietnam?

The same reason the US started fighting : POLITICIANS. Politicians in general and liberal politicians in particular.