

Who was the geologist who influenced Charles Darwin?

Updated: 10/5/2020
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Charles Lyell influenced Charles Darwin's development of his evolutionary theory.

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Q: Who was the geologist who influenced Charles Darwin?
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Charles Lyell, a geologist and friend of Darwin, encouraged him to publish his first book "On the Origin of Species." Lyell believed in the theory of evolution and saw the potential impact of Darwin's work on the scientific community.

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That's like asking if your birth influenced your life. Yes, Richard Dawkins was hugely influenced by Charles Darwin and his work, he loved the beautiful, but yet simple, theory. Charles Darwin's work was the main driving force for him to study biology.

Was Charles Darwin a geologist?

Darwin had a somewhat eclectic education; he started out being trained in medicine, then moved to theology with natural history being a hobby. During his journey on the Beagle he described himself as a geologist; he'd been strongly influenced by Lyell's Principia Geologica and was seeing the world through a geologist's eye. His shipmates called him "Philosopher". Before the publication of The Origin of the Species, Darwin did some research on barnicles - this was partly to establish himself as a "serious" scientist - he was considered an authority on barnicles. After the publication of Origin, he was widely considered a naturalist and has been ever since.

Who was a confidant of Darwin who introduced the concept of evolution into geological theory?

I think you mean the concept of gradualism and the man is Charles Lyell, whose geological concept proceeded Darwin's biological concept and also gave Darwin his ideas on ages of the earth and gradual processes over time. I can think of not other geologist that was a confidant of Darwin, though Adam Sedgewick, a geologist, was am early teacher of Darwin. He was a catastrophist though.

What book did Darwin read that influenced his ideas when he sailed on the Beagle who was the author?

Darwin read "Principles of Geology" by Charles Lyell during his voyage on the Beagle. This book influenced Darwin's thinking on the gradual change of landscapes over time, which later contributed to his theory of evolution by natural selection.