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Q: Who were the twins in the Old Testament of the bible?
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What is the seventeenth book in the Old Testament of the Bible?

Esther is the seventeenth book in the Protestant Old Testament Bible and Tobit in the Catholic Old Testament.

What is the didifferent between Old Testament and New Testament?

The Bible is comprised of the Old Testament and the New Testament. The New Testament is part of the Bible. The Bible is made up of 66 books: 39 in the Old Testament and 27 In the New Testament.

Are the testaments and the Bible the same?

There are two testaments in the Bible. The Old Testament is before Christ was born, the New Testament is after Christ was born. And, yes, the Old Testament and the New Testament, together, are the Bible.

What religions read the Holy Bible?

Judaism uses the Old Testament, or Hebrew Bible. Christianity uses a Bible containing both the Old Testament and the New Testament.

Where would you find the Old Testament in the Bible?

The old testament is the first half of the bible. The old testament is before Jesus was born (BC). The new testament is telling about Jesus' life.

What are the Old Testament and New Testament known as?

The bible.

How many books are in the old testament of the protestan bible?

Protestants use a Bible with 39 books in the Old Testament.

Would you please send me a copy of Old Testament of bible and testament of Torah?

Torah is the first five books of the Old Testament, and the Old Testament is part of the Bible. I will send you a copy of the Bible if you want to read it, just tell me where to send it.

How many testamenots are in the Bible?

There are two Testaments in the Bible, the Old Testament and the New Testament.

Is the New Testament alone can be called a bible?

No. The Bible consists of the Old and New Testament.

The what is divided into the old and new testament?

The bible is divided into the old and new testament.

What is divided into the old and new testament?

The Bible is divided into the old and New Testament.