

Why Asians are poor people?

Updated: 8/23/2023
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13y ago

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They believe in a strong natural, spiritual wealth and don't believe that money is the measure of wealth. Money essentially is a piece of paper, that cannot buy love, nor can it save the natural habitats. They are pretty much ultranationalist, but when they do explode into full fledge industrialization they would be significantly wealthy.

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15y ago

When it comes to the basics of living, Asian resources are poorly-distributed. Quality croplands are in short supply, and overpopulation near the coasts and rivers has decreased the productivity of those lands, as well as the fisheries. While Asia has rich mineral resources, its topsoil is relatively thin in many areas. The continent is split by huge deserts and high mountain ranges, which hinder trade and distribution of resources. Recall, too, that much of northern Asia is sub-arctic, and thus unsuited for anything other than subsistence living.

We must remember, too, that "poor standard of living" is relative. The poorest Chinese village is far more wealthy than its counterpart in sub-equatorial Africa, for example. Only about 20% of the world's population lives at anything approaching what the poorest Americans take for granted, and in fact the world could not support a worldwide standard of living anywhere close to what we enjoy in most populated areas of the norther hemisphere.

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14y ago

1. Some resources are not developed.

2. The developed resources are mostly controlled by WESTERN multinational companies and not by ASIAN entrepreneurs;

3. The environment is not protected from natural or man-made damage.

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