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Because air is not boUnd chemically it is just a mixture of oxygen nitrogen and other gases while water molecules are one oxygen atom combined chemically to two hydrogen atoms

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Q: Why air is a mixture while water is a compound?
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Is air an element mixture or compound?

Air is a mixture, made mostly of the elements nitrogen and oxygen. It also has some other gases, such as argon (element), carbon dioxide (compound), and water (compound).

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It is a mixture of all the gasses in the atmosphere and water.

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No. Air is a mixture.

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Answer a. Pure Water is not a mixture - it is a compound. Seawater is a mixture of water and salts, air is a mixture of gases and brass is a mixture (an alloy) of copper and zinc metals.

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Is air is compound or mixture?


Is air compound or element mixture?

Air is a mixture of gases.

Is the air we breathe compound or a mixture?

air is a mixture of elements (nitrogen, oxygen, trace amounts of other elemental gases) plus compounds (water vapor, nitrogen and sulfur oxides, CO2)

Is humidity a mixture compound or solution?

Humidity is the measure of how much water vapor that can't rise to the clouds there is in the air that have been combined with all the gases in the air. So, yes it is water mixed with all the air's gases.

Are clouds compounds?

clouds is a mixture because the cloud is made of two types of chemicals + it also got water