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Near complete destruction of its habitat, led to the almost complete extinction of the bird..Re discovered in Arkansas in 2004, they are also found in small numbers in Florida, Louisiana, and other Southern states.

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13y ago

After the Civil War, large tracts of Southern forests were cut down, especially in the swamps where the ivory bill made its home..This destruction continued unabated for many years, and the ivory billed woodpecker gradually disappeared..Thought to be extinct for over 60 years, it was rediscovered in The White River Refuge in Arkansas in 2004. Since then, evidence indicates other populations may be extant in Louisiana, Florida, and the Carolinas.

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because of its beak

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Ivory-billed woodpecker are omnivores?

no because they eat insects

What was the major cause for the disappearance of ivory billed woodpecker?

Lose of habitat due to the lumber industry threatened the numbers for the Ivory-billed Woodpecker. When the bird became rare, collectors began to hunt them.

What could lead to the ivory billed woodpeckers extinction?

If people keep on hunting the ivory billed woodpecker, then they could die out very easily.