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Diamond has stronger bonding because of the fact that it has 2p valence orbit whereas Silicon has 3p valence orbit. Moreover we know that as we go farther away from Nucleus the shielding of electrons takes place.Due to this shielding, the bonding becomes weaker. In case of Silicon carbide and Silicon dioxide 3p orbits are participating in bonding. Hence the shielding leads to weakening of bond.Shielding is not there in case of Diamond as mentioned. Hence this is the reason why Diamond is harder.

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15y ago

Diamond is harder than quartz because of the type of bonds the carbons form with each other. Due to carbons ability to form 4 bonds, multiple bonds may be formed between several surrounding carbon atoms. Quartz on the other hand is formed of molecules that do not have this unique property of carbon not allowing it to form such complex tight bonds making it weaker.

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13y ago

diamonds are harder than granite only because they have a better structure. granite actually has stronger bonds between it's molecules and atoms than a diamond.

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