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i think vascular plants are unable to perform cell to cell transpot

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Q: Why are some vascular plants able to grow taller than nonvascular plants?
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Why can most vascular plants grow much taller then nonvascular plants?

Non vascular plants have no internal "circulatory system" or any means of moving liquid and nutrients around their body. Therefore they need to grow low to the ground and in a moist environment in order to get their nutrients through osmosis through the ground. Vascular plants are able to get their nutrients delivered through the body through veins, allowing them to grow taller.

What do seedless vascular plants and vascular plants have in common?

Nonvascular plants and seedless vascular plants are both land plants that evolved from green algae. Both types also rely on water to be able to reproduce.

What is true of both nonvascular plants an seedless vascular plants?

Nonvascular plants and seedless vascular plants are both land plants that evolved from green algae. Both types also rely on water to be able to reproduce.

How does the absence of vascular tissue in nonvascular plants affect their structure and appearance?

Non-vascular plants are generally thalloid, these plants seldom attain height and not able to remain erect without some support

Do nonvascular plants come from seeds or spores?

Non-vascular plants reproduce from spores. Non-vascular plants are mosses, liverworts, and hornworts. Some non-vascular plants have male plants and female plants. Others are able to have both sex organs on the same plant.

What advantage does a vascular plant have over a non vascular plant-?

Vascular plants have xylem and phloem, thus allowing the plant to live on land and not only in watery-marshy areas. Vascular plants are also able to grow bigger and taller.

Why are vascular plants able to grow taller than nonvascular plants?

Because vascular tissue is the transport system of a plant. if a plant doesn't have vascular tissue it cant transport water and minerals to all parts of the plant if it is big. So the non-vascular plant like moss needs to be small for sufficient distribution of water and minerals etc without a transport system. eg- moss

Is a Christmas cactus vascular or nonvascular?


Do nonvascular plants absorb water and nutrients?

Yes, Nonvascular Plants do not have vessels. Nonvascular plants are found in damp environments and are only a few cells thick, so they are able to absorb water and nutrients from it directly through their cell walls. Vascular plants are more complex and are thick, so they need vessels to get their water and nutrients. See related question

Which plants are nonvascular?

anything with no true roots like moss, liverworts,hornworts.

How do vascular and non-vascular differ?

The different things between vascular and non-vascular is that; A. Vascular grow taller because they have tissue that is able to transport materials faster to longer distances, and won't break if hit by a strong wind. Think of it like a bundle of straws. A lot stronger and better and transporting materials! B. Non-vascular plants lack true roots, stems, and leaves. They have similar structures that do the same thing though. C. Vascular absorb water and nutrients through their roots and pass it along, non-vascular plants absorb water directly through their cell walls and pass it along from cell to cell. D. Vascular plants grow almost anywhere, while non-vascular plants MUST have a wet environment for reproduction to occur. E. Vascular plants can grow from spores, seeds, AND flowers, while non-vascular plants only use spores.

How do the size of moss moss fern plants differ?

Ferns are vascular plants. They contain vascular strands that allow water and nutrients to be transferred throughout the the plant. Mosses lack the vascular strands(or tissue) causing the mosses to have a much smaller stature because they are not able to transfer nutrients very well.