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They've been isolated in that desert for so long. An isolated population can develop traits unique to a single region over time (on an evolutionary scale; a very long time).

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Q: Why are the animals in the Sahara unique to the Sahara desert?
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In what region of the Sahara desert do the animals live?

In the Sahara desert you would only find animals at an oasis.

How does animals survive in the Sahara desert?

The animals in the Sahara desert survive by drinking lots of water and staying cool in the shade.

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are animals and plants

What is important about the Sahara Desert?

The Sahara Desert is the largest desert that is subtropical. It covers the majority of northern Africa and is home to rare plants and animals.

What do animals do in the Sahara desert?

Broadly speaking, animals survive through adaptation to the environment. There are hundreds of different animals that live in the Sahara desert, so it is difficult to give a more specific answer.

Why is the Sahara Desert important?

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