

Why are the neutrons uses to initiate fission reaction?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Why are the neutrons uses to initiate fission reaction?
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What are three uses of for potential uses of nuclear fission?

That's really two questions, "What are the uses of Nuclear fission reaction?" and "What are potential uses of nuclear fission?". See the "Related questions" below for answers to each question.

A fission nuclear power plant uses what kind of reaction to generate heat?

The fission of U-235 and Pu-239

What can fission be used to?

Fission gives off heat, neutrons, and fission products. Each of these things has different uses. The heat is the primary product. It is typically used to boil water, the steam being used to power a turbine, which turns a generator to make electricity. Neutrons can be used to turn atoms of one element into atoms of another element. For example, tritium can be manufactured by exposing hydrogen in water to neutrons. The tritium, in turn, has uses ranging from nuclear fusion to tracing flow in ecological systems. Some of the products of fission have their own uses and are easiest obtained from materials that have been in reactor cores. An example is cesium-137, whihc is a fission product, and has uses in medicine and industry.

What can fission be used to do?

Fission gives off heat, neutrons, and fission products. Each of these things has different uses. The heat is the primary product. It is typically used to boil water, the steam being used to power a turbine, which turns a generator to make electricity. Neutrons can be used to turn atoms of one element into atoms of another element. For example, tritium can be manufactured by exposing hydrogen in water to neutrons. The tritium, in turn, has uses ranging from nuclear fusion to tracing flow in ecological systems. Some of the products of fission have their own uses and are easiest obtained from materials that have been in reactor cores. An example is cesium-137, whihc is a fission product, and has uses in medicine and industry.

What is the difference a fission and fusion?

fission is the splitting of atoms of uranium or plutionium by the means of neutrons. fusion is the opposite. fusion is the violent combining of atoms through magnatism and heat. our own sun uses fusion to shine.

What continues the reaction of a boosted fission fusion bomb?

A boosted fission device uses a hollow sealed fissile core. The hollow part contains a measured amount of tritium gas. When the fission device is detonated the heat and pressure ignites tritium fusion in the gas. This fusion emits a flood of high energy neutrons, which causes additional fissions in the (now vapor) fissile material, boosting the yield. Such devices can be implemented with a "Dial-a-Yield" feature by allowing different amounts of tritium gas to be injected into the hollow core (more tritium, more neutrons, more yield).

How does nuclear fission work?

The breakup of large nuclei into two nearly equal fragments is called nuclear fission. It sometimes produces neutrons, protons or other nuclei. This is important in nuclear reactor and bombs, where neutrons emitted from one fission event cause other nuclei to fission, releasing more neutrons and so causing chain reaction. If this chain is controlled then you have a nuclear reactor whose heat can be used to boil water and generate electricity. If the chain is uncontrolled it causes a nuclear explosion.

Do H bombs deal with fission?

They do. While the hydrogen bomb is generally regarded as a weapon that uses nuclear fusion, there is no such thing as a purely fusion-powered device. The fusion reaction is triggered by a fission device that forms part of the bomb.

The working principle of an atomic pile?

An atomic pile, or more correctly a nuclear pile, uses Uranium235 as the fuel. This isotope of uranium has the property that the nucleus can be split (fissioned) when a slow neutron enters it, and in the fission process more neutrons are emitted together with heat energy, and the formation of fission products which are other elements. Therefore a self perpetuating chain reaction can be started. The neutrons emitted by the fissions are fast and have to be slowed down by the moderator which can be graphite, heavy water, or light water. The rate of fissions is adjusted with control rods which absorb neutrons, or by other neutron absorbing means, so that a steady power level is achieved.

How does nuclear fusion happen?

Nuclear fusion is the process that powers stars, such as our sun.

What are negative uses of fission?

Nuclear weapons

Example of binary fission?

When some bacteria reproduces, it uses binary fission.