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the yellow-eyed penguin is listed as an endangered animal with an estimated wild population of less than 4,000 individuals. It is now the rarest penguin in the world due to deforestation and the introduction of predators.

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11y ago
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11y ago

Penguins are endangered for a number of reasons such as

  1. Global Warming- This melts their habitat making it hard for them to find land or somewhere in which they can breed.
  2. Pollution- Ships and other industries dump litter into the sea, polluting the waters in which they live in. A penguin may choke on a plastic bag, or die from eating a a beer can ring because it is wedged in its throat.
  3. Over Fishing- With Ships over fishing as there is an ever growing demand for food with the evergrowing population of the world, penguins are hahving to go further away from their fishing grounds and for longer, posing many threats to a penguin such as it being eaten or the chick starving to death.
  4. Oil- Oil gets stuck to a pengunis feathers and then when it tries to get it off it ends up suffocating on it or even worse, being poisened.
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14y ago

The reason for this wonderful animal to be endangered is partly because of us. Global warming is effecting their food in the water and pollution caused by us also has a big effect.

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11y ago

There are several reasons for five of the seventeen species do be endangered. Some were never common to begin with, and human activities reduced their numbers. Others were hunted for food, and a few were victims of non native introduced species. Climate change has been put forth as another reason, but this theory has yet to be proven as a decline in penguin numbers.

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Q: What cause the yellow eyed penguins to be endangered?
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What penguins species are endangered?

yellow eyed penguins

What kind of penguins are endangered?

the most endangered penguins are the galapagoes penguin and the yellow eyed penguin.

Are silver eyes endangered?

there are no silver eyed penguins, you might be thinking of the yellow eyed penguin, which is endangered

Which penguins have been classified as endangered?

The Galapagos PenguinAlso, the African, Humboldt, Erect crested, and yellow eyed penguins are endangered.

What penguins are on the endangered list?

African, yellow eyed, Humboldt, erect crested, Galapagos are endangered.

What are endangered species of penguins?

Galapagos, yellow eyed, African, Erect crested, Humboldt.

What species of penguins are on the endangered list?

The five endangered species are the Humboldt, yellow eyed, African, erect crested, and Galapagos.

Which penguins are close to becoming endangered?

There are five endangered penguin species. African, yellow eyed, Humboldt, erect crested and Galapagos are endangered.

Can you name some endangered penguins?

Galapagos Yellow eyed Humboldt Erect crested African

Any yellow penguins?

Not that I know of, but there are yellow eyed penguins

Is there 18 different species of penguins that are endangered?

There are 17 species, five which are endangered species. African, yellow eyed, Humboldt, erect crested, and Galapagos.

Is there anything i can do to help penguins?

the yellow eyed penguin species are endangered. you might be able to help them. they live in new zealand