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A numerous amount of Baiji were hunted thanks to the initiative by the government, but this was short lived as the government took action and banned hunting it. However, ever since pollution degradation of its environment lead to its extinction.

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Q: Are Yangtze pink river dolphins extinct?
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What dolphins are becoming extinct?

Pink river dolphins

Are dolphins going extinct?

only one species of dolphins at this time that are going extinct are the pink river dolpinsHector's dolphins (New Zealand dolphins) are also in danger of becoming extinct. The endangered river dolphins are Amazon River dolphins, Ganges River dolphins, Chinese White dolphins, Indus River dolphins, and La Plata River dolphins.

how many pink river dolphins are alive?

None are alive they are extinct

Are dolphins extinct?

No, but some species of dolphins are endangered, like the Indus River dolphins and the Yangtzee River dolphins. The pink Amazon River dolphins and the Ganges River dolphins are classed as

How many pink river nose dolphins are in the world?

Zero. They went extinct in 2009

How are pink dolphins becoming extinct?

pink dolphines are becoming extinct by the number of oil spills

Why are pink river dolphins extinct?

there are many reasons: -poaching for skin and meat -habitat distruction -lack of food

Is there such thing as pink dolphins?

Yes, and they are called Boto dolphins. River dolphins are also found in the Orinoco River in South America, the La Plata River in South America, the Yangtze River in China, and the Ganges and Indus Rivers in India.

Is it true that there are pink dolphins?

Yes, the Amazon river dolphins are called pink dolphins

Are dolphins sometimes pink?

Yes. There are pink river dolphins in the Amazon.

How did the pink dolphin get endranged?

because of the Yangtze river

What kind of rivers do pink river dolphins live in?

pink river dolphins live in the amazon