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Cats and dogs can't see in total darkness. However, cats and dogs do see better in dim light due to a special layer found behind their retinas. It's called the tapetum and it reflects light back to the cones of the retina making better use of the available light. A cat's eye specifically has a vertical slit which allows minimal light in during the day and opens fully at night. (A dog's eye and human eyes do the same thing but their iris's are round). The tapetum can be seen at night when you shine a light into a cat's or dog's eyes. Humans do not possess a tapetum and therefore can't process reflective light. We have to hunt for our prey during daylight.
Cats can see perfect in the dark. Dogs can see int he dark, but not as good as cats can.

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14y ago

Most humans cannot see better in the dark than animals, especially nocturnal animals. Nocturnal animals have more rods than cones enabling then to see better at night. Rods are black and white vision and cones are color vision. Having better black and white vision is more helpful during the night time, wen there is not light available.

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Q: Why can humans see better in the dark than animals?
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Can humans see better in the dark than animals?

Yes of course animals can see better in the dark than humans.Why do you think Owls and Aye-ayes are nocturnal? so their eyesight has to be better than ours .Have you ever seen an animal stumble in the dark/at night ? i havent,but us humans will if we don't have some type of light to see we will stumble or even worse break a toe or something ,because we cant see in the dark.What i am trying to say is that yes of course animals can see better than humans.

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