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Because they want to

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Q: Why can the regents park mosque play the adhan five times a day?
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How are Muslims called to prayer in Arabic countries?

Most of the time, every neighborhood has it's own mosque (one every few blocks or so). There are speakers at the top of the mosque, most of the time at the top of the minarets When it is time pray, a mu'azzin says the Adhan into the microphone and it is loud so you can hear it from your house most of the time.

How often is a mosque used?

You can use a mosque whenever you want. For all-together-prays, it is used five times in a day.

Is it true that a call goes out from a mosque five times a day inviting Muslims to pray?


When do Muslims visit a mosque?

Muslims visit the mosque whenever they desire to pray. Friday is Namaz-e-Jummah or Friday prayers. Muslims go to the mosque for a community prayer. The priest (Skeih) is in the mosque five times a day. So whenever Muslims go to the mosque during the five prayer times, they do prayers with the Skeih which has more rewards.

What time do children go to the mosque?

Children go to mosue at the time of the prayer ( five times ). They may also go at other time when there are some special classes arranged for them in the mosque.

Who is the person that calls Muslims to prayer?

He is called the muathin, also pronounced muadhinor muezzin. He recites the azan, or call to prayer, 5 times a day for Fajr, Duhr, Asr, Maghrib & Ishaa prayers.

What else happens in the Mosque besides prayer and worship?

not much happens in a mosque other than prayer five times a day and worship on Friday. There is also the ritual washing before prayer and the Imam (prayer leader) calls people to prayer from the mosque.

Who was the crier who called the Muslim faithful to prayer from the minaret of a mosque?

A muezzin calls the faithful to prayer 5 times each day.MuezzinA Muezzin is a man chosen at the mosque to call for the prayer five times a day.

What is the function of a muezzin in a mosque?

He is the person who calls the faithful to prayer at the mosque.

What days do muslims go church?

Churches are for christians and mosques are for muslims. It is similar to a church and we also worship there but its called a mosque. There are services at the mosque five times a day every day, but most Muslims only go for Friday afternoon services.

How many times a week should a Muslim go tom the mosque?

Church is the term only for a Christian center of worship. Religious Muslims pray five times a day, every day, but they usually only attend Mosque once a week on Fridays for the longer prayer and the weekly sermon.

What is a function of the minaret on an Islamic mosque?

It is the same as the towers of traditional churches that indicates Christian architecture. For mosques, it is a matter of Islamic architecture and is symbolic indication of mosques. It not just a symbolic item. Everything created for purpose. As churches minaret used to locate the bell, minaret in mosques also use for the signal purpose. In more recent times, the main function of the minaret was to provide a vantage point from which the muezzin can call out the adhan, calling the faithful to prayer. In most modern Mosques, the adhan is called not in the minaret, but in the musallah, or prayer hall, via a microphone and speaker system. However, the minaret still a good place to locate the speaker.