

Why can you text someone but they can not text you back?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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Because they are busy at the time im pretty sure they will get back with you.

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Q: Why can you text someone but they can not text you back?
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Why is it when you text a boy then they text you back after that you text them again and they dont text back?

They may not be interested in talking to you. That's what i do when I am not intereted in talking to someone.

How do you get him to text you?

There is no sure-fire way to get someone to text you, but i found if you call them they will usually text back.

What do you text back if someone sends you a text saying beautiful?

Anything you wish

Should you worry if my gf dosent text back for hours than when she does text back she says she has to go?

She is probably busy but if she repeatedly does this and doesn't text you back in days, something is going, she might be seeing someone else.

What does it mean if a girl says text you but she never responds?

There could be many reasons that a girl may not text someone back, even if they ask the person to text them. The girl may not be that into the person, or they may have been busy and have not had time to text the person back.

How do you text someone with a fake number?

change your sim card while you text them and then put your old\new one back in x

What do you call People who don't text back?

The "Unresponder" is someone who doesn't respond to texts.

Would getting mad when someone doesn't text you back but you never text back be hypocritical?

Well kinda. Unless you dont text back for a reason. If you dont text back cause your busy, then you should just think that they are busy,and they dont have time to talk right now. Or if they do that all the time then you should get the hint that they dont wanna talk to you.

When your ex boyfriend texts you and you text back and he doesn't text back what do you text back?

Don't text him back .You should let him text you. Don't run after anyone if he still likes you he will text you. If he does not well then you know where you stand with him.

If you text someone who's phone is dead at the time of the text will they get the text?

They will get the text message when the phone is logged back onto the network. The text message is stored for at least 72 hours when it is not delivered the first time. It will keep trying for at least 72 hours.

Can you text someone in Europe?

If you have a number for them, then you can text someone in Europe from anywhere in the world.