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Q: Why classification systems should use physical characteristics and not behavioral characteristics?
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What are the animal classification systems?

In accordance with the Linnaeus method, scientists classify the animals, as they do the plants, on the basis of shared physical characteristics

What two important characteristics for classification systems?

Genus and Species

What kinds of characteristics are used for scientific classification systems?

biotic and abiotic elements

Why are classification systems not based on physical appearance or behaviour?

Answer it don't copy

Why are classification systems not based on physical appearance?

Classification systems are not based on physical appearance because using appearance alone leads to misleading classifications, for example, someone looking at birds and bats might think that they are closely related because they both have wings which is inaccurate. In the past classification systems were based upon appearance but now taxonomists focus on the evolutionary relatedness of groups in order to classify them.

What are classification systems?

classification systems that are willing to wait a long time.

What are the prairie dogs physical characteristics?

most have fur and noses and mouths and eyes and reproductive systems

What statement is an appropriate rule used in classification of organisms?

they must have some similar characteristics like nutrition, habitat, internal systems,and many other similar characteristics..... the animal which possess similar characteristics put into a kingdom...

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what are the stengths and limitations of psychiatric classification systems

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what are the stengths and limitations of psychiatric classification systems

What is the difference between the classification systems devised by Aristotle and Linnaeus?

1. Linnaeus made it much more specific. 2. Linnaeus based it on evidence and characteristics. 3. Linnaeus used a hierarchial classification system.

What are classification?

classification systems that are willing to wait a long time.