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President Johnson had not delivered the victory he had repeatedly promised.

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Q: Why did Americans lose faith in president Lyndon B Johnson's Vietnam policy?
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What ultimately happened to johnsons influence?

Lyndon Johnson greatly escalated America's involvement in the Vietnam War.

President Johnsons home state?

Andrew Johnson-Tenessee Lyndon B. Johnson-Texas

Who was the president during the start of the Vietnam war?

Eisenhower and Kennedy both sent military advisers to Vietnam, but the actual hot war for Americans began under Lyndon Johnson.

Did President Lyndon Johnson visit Vietnam?

Yes, in 1966.

President who increased troops to Vietnam?

Lyndon B Johnson

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to end poverty and racial injustice in america

Who was President of the USA during the Vietnam War?

The president of the USA for a major time of the Vietnam War was Lyndon Johnson.

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Lyndon Johnson.

Who was the US President during the Vietnam War in 1968?

Lyndon Johnson.

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Lyndon B. Johnson

Who was the US president that escalated your troops in Vietnam?

Lyndon B. Johnson

What president was involved in the Vietnam war in 1964 to1968?

Lyndon Johnson.